What are the ways Quebec employers can employ foreign workers faster?

The facilitated Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) aids Quebec employers in addressing the labor shortages in the province.

If a Canadian company is looking to employ foreign nationals, it must obtain permission from the Canadian government via a labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). This LMIA aims to verify that hiring foreign nationals does not adversely affect the employees in Canada.

The government has to determine whether hiring an international worker will result in positive or neutral effects on the Canadian job market. It must be evident that there was no evidence that Canadians were snubbed to be hired in favor of the foreign worker and that they are paid a wage and benefits that are in line with the federal and provincial standards.

Book a free Canadian Working Permit consultation with Cohen Immigration Law Firm.

In Quebec, Canada, the facilitation process does not bar employers from having to apply for an LMIA. There are a variety of professions for which Quebec employers aren’t obliged to post a job advertisement in which they hire foreign employees.

The requirements for Quebec employers

Quebec employer is not required to show proof of their recruitment efforts to fill the position they wish to serve; however, they should do their best to find Canadian citizens and permanent residents before hiring a foreign employee.

The employer also needs to demonstrate the following:

  • The foreign worker meets the educational and work experience requirements for the job, as well as the specifications in the National Occupation Classification;
  • The hourly rate of the foreign workers is in line with the wage in the case of Canadians or permanent residents in the same profession and geographical region;
  • The transition plans are required for all high-wage LMIA applications. But, in the facilitated procedure in Quebec, the need for a transition plan is not necessary for the second or following request for LMIA within the same job and in the exact location.

TFWP Quebec Pilot Project

From December 6, 2021, through December 31, 2024, different TEER 4 and 5 category jobs are exempt from recruiting and advertisement obligations.