What length of time do you have to remain in Canada before applying for citizenship?

It is a simple answer: you must stay in Canada for at least three years from the last five years. But there are more nuanced options.

To become a Canadian citizen, you must have lived in Canada for at most 1,095 days during the five years immediately preceding you apply for citizenship. Remember that Canadian citizenship eligibility is not for all days.

Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada only count “full days” if the person was physically present in Canada as a permanent resident. To meet the physical presence requirement, you must spend at least two consecutive years in Canada as a permanent resident.

Every day you are a temporary resident in Canada counts as one day, up to a maximum of 365 days. It takes two years to reach this maximum, as each day counts for only half of it. While you don’t need to reside in Canada as a temporary resident to be eligible to become a citizen, it is essential to understand that the time spent as a TR does not count as half. This will allow you to calculate your physical presence requirement.

These hypothetical scenarios will give you an idea about how physical presence calculations work.

  • Kinza lived in Canada for three years on a Work Permit (PGWP) before being granted PR. She applied for citizenship two years after she became a permanent resident. IRCC considered her two years in Canada as part of her physical residency requirement. For her citizenship eligibility, the entire three years she lived in Canada as a permanent residence were added.
  • Sandeep was approved to reside permanently in Canada by the Federal Skilled Worker Program. After three years of living in Canada, he applied for citizenship. Since he was not a temporary resident, IRCC considered every day he was physically present in Canada to be a full day.
  • Idara had been working in Detroit, USA when she was granted permanent residence in Canada by the FSWP. She moved to Windsor, Canada, where she commuted daily to work in the USA. Before applying for Canadian citizenship, this was her way of life for five years. IRCC counted every day Idara traveled to the US to work and returned to Canada as a day. She had lived in Canada as a permanent resident for five years and had already spent enough time in Canada to satisfy the physical presence requirement.

The website of the IRCC suggests that you remain physically present in the country for at least 1,095 days before applying for citizenship. This is to ensure you are eligible.

Additional eligibility requirements for Canadian citizenship

Other criteria can qualify for Canadian citizenship besides the physical presence requirement.

  • To communicate in Canada, you must be fluent in either English or French. You must provide proof of language proficiency if you are between 18 and 54.
  • As determined by IRCC, you cannot have a criminal record that prevents the granting of citizenship.
  • It is essential to be familiar with citizens’ rights and responsibilities and have a basic understanding of Canada’s history, geography, and political system.
  • File taxes in Canada at least three years before the date that you apply.
  • You must also submit a formal request to IRCC and pay a government processing fee and a right-of-citizenship fee.

After you have met the eligibility requirements, you can apply to Canada for citizenship. After being approved, applicants aged 18 to 54 must pass a citizenship exam. After being approved, you will need to attend a citizenship ceremony. You will receive a Canadian citizenship certificate and must take the Oath of Citizenship. You are now officially a Canadian citizen.

Pre-Removal Risk Assessment (PRRA), applicants and refugee claimants require physical presence.

These documents would not grant temporary resident status to you if you were granted a work permit or study permit during your refugee claim/PRRA assessment. This time cannot be used in your physical presence calculation.

You can only claim time as a protected individual if you have received a favorable decision on your PRRA or claim and the day you become a permanent resident. Half a day counts for your citizenship application if you are in Canada within 30 days of approval or before permanent residency.

If you were held in a Canadian prison

You cannot count any time you have spent in Canada while on probation, parole, or prison as part of your physical presence. However, there are exceptions. If you have not violated parole or failed to follow the parole conditions, time on probation may count towards your physical presence. If you have a youth sentence completed, your time in prison or probation does not need to be reported. You don’t have to declare time served for an offense in Canada if it occurred more than five years before the date of your application. This is because it falls outside the period that IRCC considers when determining the physical presence requirement.