Financial assistance is now available to Ukrainians living in Canada

Ukrainians that are arriving in Canada can apply now for financial aid.

Ukrainians and their relatives who reside in Canada are now qualified for a one-time payment of $3,000 for adults and $1,500 for children 17 and younger.

The assistance is intended to be used by Ukrainians who have a legitimate Canada-Ukraine Authorization to Travel Emergency Travel (CUAET). Applications must be submitted via the Canadian Government’s web-based portal.

To be eligible for financial aid, Ukrainians must have:

  • An IMM 1442 type form (a visitor record or study permit, or an employment permit) with the “CUAET-AVUCU” remark is provided by CBSA when entering Canada.
  • a unique client identifier (UCI) number
  • direct deposit instructions for a Canadian financial institution

The payment is expected to be made through direct deposits within five business days after the request is made. An additional 3 to 5 business days could be required by banks to make the deposit. Ukrainians require a Canadian bank account so that the federal government can transfer the funds. The account’s name should be the same as the name on the temporary resident status certificate. The Government advises Ukrainians to obtain a Social Insurance Number (SIN) as quickly as possible to work.

The Canadian Government has also offered three charter flights to Poland. The third one is scheduled to land at Halifax on the 2nd of June. Passengers will be provided with temporary accommodation for upto 14 nights if they don’t have any other arrangements. The Government is currently working on expanding this program to other major cities. Canada offers settlement services for Ukrainians, including language instruction and assistance with registering students in schools, creating a bank account and finding work.

“Our commitment to Ukrainians fleeing Russia’s illegal war doesn’t stop once they’ve arrived in Canada,” declared the Immigration Minister Sean Fraser in a press release from the Government. “We are continuing to assist refugees live and prosper in the communities across Canada. This financial aid is crucial to solving the immediate issues facing Ukrainians leaving many things behind to find refuge within Canada.”

Between March 17 and 25, 2022, IRCC received more than 250,000 CUAET applications approved by more than 120,000.